WE'VE MOVED To 950 Ponemah RD, Winnipeg Beach
WE'VE MOVED To 950 Ponemah RD, Winnipeg Beach
Riding clinics and lessons are the fastest and most enjoyable way to improve your riding skills, horsemanship, and your safety. Our programs giving horseback riding lessons and clinics have been chosen with great care to offer the best top notch instructors in their areas of expertise. These teachers are not just names, but give students the personal attention they deserve. Everyone can benefit from Lessons.
Pony Rides - are a 30 min riding lesson tailored to the Younger children ages 3-6 years old. The child still has to help the instructor Catch, Brush the Pony and Tack- up (saddle-up).
Private Riding Lessons - 1 hour Riding time, Tacking up and Un-tacking is not included in the ride time. Each lesson is tailored for the Riders level and what they are wanting to accomplish in their riding goals.
Semi-Private Riding Lessons - 2-3 Riders with 1 Instructor. 1 hour Riding time, Tacking up and Un-tacking is not included in the ride time. Each lesson is tailored for the Riders level and what they are wanting to accomplish in their riding goals.
GST is Not included in any Pricing
These Packages must be paid for all together
12 Private Riding Lessons for the Price of 10. That's get 2 FREE!
20 Private Riding Lessons for the Price of 16. That's get 4 FREE!
10 Pony Ride Lessons for the Price of 8. That's get 2 FREE!
There is more to Horses then just Riding
Learning to Lunge is a 4 Lesson Program that teaches riders how to Lunge Horses. Each lesson is 1 hour long.
Learning Horse theory With a wide variety of topics ranging from creating a balanced feed plan for your horse, all the way to why a horse may be reacting as it does or whether it requires shoeing.
Equine First Aid is something every horse owner should know, which is similar to people taking a Human first aid class. This is geared towards Horses. You'll be Equi-Health Canada Certified at the end of the training.
Are you wanting to spend more time riding your favorite horse, but not wanting to show this is the option for you!
Are you wanting to show but done own your own horse this a way to do so. This includes practice rides and the ability to show the horse.
This is an additional ride to the riders lesson program where they get the chance to practice what they are learning in their lesson program.
These are separate contracted Items and must be determined in advance and singed for a period of time.
Classical dressage evolved from Calvary movements and training for the battlefield, and has since developed into the competitive dressage seen today. Classical riding is the art of riding in harmony with, rather than against, the horse.
Correct classical riding only occurs when the rider has a good seat and a correct and well-balanced body position, moves with the horse's motion, and applies and times the aids correctly.
Western Dressage provides riders with a plan of progression. The tests are designed to start you at the very beginning in a walk-jog test and then build off of one another until you reach the highest level of test where you perform pirouettes, flying changes on a serpentine, and 8 meter jog circles. Even if you or your riders don’t want to enter a show arena, it gives you a training guide and things to work on with your equine partner.
Trail was designed to confront a horse with obstacles and tasks likely to be encountered when trail riding, such as: opening a gate, riding through it and closing it, riding over a bridge, negotiating over poles,
However, today's, trail horse is finely-tuned to the rider's cues, and move away from the rider's legs to side pass, etc. Judges want to see a horse that displays brains and skill, the capability to negotiate on his own the obstacles of the western trail class.
Jumpers is where the horse and rider memorize a course of jumps and a jump-off course. Jumpers are judged by how quickly a horse can complete a course of jumps with the fewest errors, called faults.
Hunters is where the horse and rider jump a course of natural looking obstacles and the judging is based on accuracy, grace, and elegance, of both horse and Rider.
Eventing is an event where a single horse and rider combine and compete against other competitors across the three phases of horse riding Jumpers, Dressage and Cross Country.
Cutting competition in which a horse and rider work together before a judge or panel of judges to demonstrate the horse's athleticism and ability to handle cattle. Modern competition utilizes a 2 1⁄2 minute performance, called a "run."
Barrel racing is an event in which a horse and rider attempt to run a cloverleaf pattern around preset Barrels in the fastest time. Though both sexes can compete at amateur and youth levels, it is usually a rodeo event for women. It combines the horse's athletic ability and the horsemanship skills of a rider in order to safely and successfully maneuver the horse around three barrels placed in a triangle pattern within a large arena.
Team penning is a western sport that evolved from the common Farm work of separating cattle into pens for branding, doctoring, or transport.
Today it is a fast-paced event that gives a team of two riders on horseback from 60 to 90 seconds to separate three specifically identified cattle from a herd of 30, and put them into a 16' x 24' pen through a 10' opening, at the opposite end of the arena
Reining is a judged event designed to show the athletic ability of a ranch type horse within the confines of a show arena. Each pattern includes small slow circles, large fast circles, flying lead changes, roll backs over the hocks, 360 degree spins done in place, and exciting sliding stops that are the hallmark of the reining horse.
The western horsemanship class is designed to evaluate the rider's ability to execute, in concert with their horse, a set of maneuvers prescribed by the judge with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence, and maintaining a balanced, functional and fundamentally correct body position
The basic idea is to show a horse that is a pleasure to ride, The horse should show behavior and moves that would assure a pleasurable ride if one were to go from A to B, or just take a leisure ride across country. Competitors show their horses on a reasonably loose rein for the relaxed "pleasure to ride" appearance.
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